
Trace the Face. Refugees in Europe [Eng]

Nowadays the International Red Cross or Red Crescent Organisations are contacted by thousands of families who have lost contact to their relatives somewhere within or on their way to Europe.

"Trace the face" offers the possibility to check on- and offline whether your family is looking for you. There are currently 28 European national Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies offering people the possibility to publish their photos on the "Trace the Face" Website and "Trace the Face" Posters and Booklets or to check whether your family is already looking for you.

How to have your photo published

(a) Please contact the Red Cross Society of the country you're currently living in.In Germany you can get in touch via Phone + 49 (0) 89 680 773 111 or mail tracing@drk-suchdienst.de - don't hesitate to ask the local Red Cross Staff for help if there are any problems.

(b) An employee of the Red Cross office will meet you and explain the following steps.

-> You can always decide to delete your photo from the website or update your informations!

How to check whether your familiy is already looking for you

(a) Check the homepage http://www.familylinks.icrc.org/europe/en/Pages/search-persons.aspx

(b) If you recognize your family or friends click on the link "Do you have informations?" below the photo.

-> Your information will be kept confidential!

The Red Cross Organisationen also offers Support for unaccompanied minors through the Asylum process. Please contact us.

 For further information please contact the staff of http://www.familylinks.icrc.org . If you're currently in a refugee camp in or around Blaubeuren you can get in thouch with us via .

All the best!


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Der Suchdienst des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes und 27 weitere Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmond-Organisationen in Europa unterstützen Flüchtlinge bei der Suche nach vermissten Familienangehörigen. Auf der Online-Plattform www.tracetheface.org können Flüchtlinge Fotos online stellen. Personen, die Informationen zu dem Verbleib der Gesuchten Personen haben, können sich anschließend bei Mitarbeitern des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes melden. Der Kontakt wird anschließend hergestellt.

 Last update: 07.04.2016

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